Elcometer 130 SSP Soluble Salt Profiler:
The Elcometer 130 Soluble Salt Profiler provides fast and accurate measurement of the level and density of soluble salts - over 4 times faster than other Bresle equivalent methods.
The new Elcometer 130 Soluble Salt Profiler allows you to complete a Bresle equivalent test in just over two minutes.
he multi-point conductivity sensors enable the Elcometer 130 SSP to accurately display salt concentration, showing exactly where the contamination lies and generating full colour salt density maps in 2D or 3D.
Elcometer 130 Salt Contamination Meter:
The Elcometer 130 quickly and accurately measures the level of soluble salts on surfaces nearly 5 times faster than Bresle equivalent test methods.
Elcometer 138 Bresle Salt Kit:
It is essential that the level of contaminants on a surface is measured prior to application of the coating to ensure the quality of the coating and that its optimum lifetime is achieved.
If the coating is applied to a contaminated surface, which is not properly prepared, it could fail prematurely resulting in costly re-coating and high maintenance costs.
The Elcometer 138 Bresle Kit includes the Elcometer 138 Conductivity Meter. This lightweight, portable conductivity meter accurately measures the salinity of the test samples.
The sensor cartridge can be easily replaced when necessary and displays conductivity in a range of units including: S/cm, S/m, ppm and % salinity.
Elcometer 135C Bresle Test Patches:
The Elcometer 135C Bresle Test Patch determines the concentration of soluble salts on uncoated surfaces in accordance with the ISO 8502-6 test method.
Determines the level of soluble salts on uncoated surfaces using the patch method in accordance with ISO 8502-6.
Elcometer 135A & 135B Bresle Patches:
The Elcometer 135A & 135B Bresle Patches are used to determine surface chloride contamination.
The Elcometer 135A Bresle Sampler is a self-adhesive rubber film patch with a sealed compartment for sampling of soluble impurities from steel surfaces with a suitable solvent. The Elcometer 135A Bresle Samplers are also part of the Elcometer 138/2 Surface Contamination Kit.
Elcometer 135B Bresle Patches are used to determine surface chloride contamination and are self-adhesive rubber film patches with a sealed compartment for sampling soluble impurities from steel surfaces with a suitable solvent. Elcometer Bresle Patches are also available as part of the Elcometer 138 Bresle Salt Kit.
Elcometer 138 Conductivity Meter:
Incorporating a flat sensor, the Elcometer 138 Conductivity Meter can measure the conductivity of a solution from a single drop of a sample.
Users can either place a sample on the conductivity meters flat sensor or immerse the meters sensor directly into the solution under test. The Elcometer 138 Conductivity Meter can be used for a broad range of applications, including: soluable salt concentrations, the electric conductivity (EC) of solutions used in agricultural operations and measuring rainwater pollution levels.
The Elcometer 138 Conductivity Meter includes a convenient salinity conversion indicator.
Elcometer 138/2 Surface Contamination Kit:
Measuring the level of contaminants on a surface prior to application of the coating is essential to ensure the quality of the coating and that its optimum lifetime is achieved.
If the coating is applied to a contaminated surface, which is not properly prepared, it could fail prematurely resulting in costly recoating and high maintenance costs.
Elcometer 134S Chloride Ion Test Kit for Surfaces:
The Elcometer 134S Chloride Ion Test Kit for Surfaces allows the surface to be tested for chloride salts prior to application of a coating.
Chloride salts left on the surface before the first coat is applied can result in the coating system being forced off the surface by corrosion or blistering before the full life of the coating has been reached.
To ensure that the chloride has been removed it is essential that the surface is tested before the coating is applied.
Elcometer 134S test method: a latex sleeve is filled with a Chlor*Rid extract solution and stuck to the test surface where the solution is worked against the surface to extract the salts. The titration tube is inserted and the results can be recorded.
Elcometer 134 CSN Chloride, Sulphate & Nitrate Kit:
Designed to accurately, measure surface chloride, sulphate and nitrate ions in minutes, the Elcometer 134 CSN Salt kit offers a single kit solution for testing in the field.
All the components of the Elcometer CSN Test Kits are pre-measured and pre-dosed for trouble free testing.
Results are recorded in parts per million (ppm) requiring no complicated calculations. Elcometer 134 CSN tests are all designed to use a ratio of 1:1 for easy conversation to to µg/cm².
Elcometer 139 Amine Blush Swab Test Kit:
When using amine cured epoxy resin coatings in a multi-layer system, if the original coating cures in a low ambient temperature and/or in a high humidity environment, problems - referred to in the industry as amine blush can develop.
The presence of amine blush can lead to inter-coat adhesion failures if the film is re-coated.
The Elcometer 139 Amine Blush Swab Test Kit is a rapid colorimetric test designed solely for the use in the quick and immediate qualitative identification of amine blush (carbamates) on the surface of coatings using surface swabs. The presence of amine blush is indicated by a visual change of colour of the test solution when compared with a control sample.
Elcometer 139 Amine Blush Chip Screen Test Kit:
The Elcometer 139 Amine Blush Chip Screen Test Kit is a rapid colorimetric test designed solely for the use in the quick and immediate qualitative identification of amine blush (carbamates) on the surface of coatings using small chips or shavings.
The presence of amine blush is indicated by a visual change of colour of the test solution when compared with a control sample.
The Elcometer 139 determines whether amine blush is or is not present on the coating’s surface.
Elcometer 142 ISO 8502-3 Dust Tape Test Kit:
Allows assessment of the quantity and size of dust particles on surfaces.
The Elcometer 142 Dust Tape Test kit allows assessment of the quantity and size of dust particles on surfaces prepared for painting.
Dust on blast cleaned surfaces can reduce coating adhesion, leading to premature coating failure and sub-standard coating finish.
Used in conjunction with the Elcometer 145 Dust Tape Roller the kit can be used in accordance with the recommendations of BS EN ISO 8502-3 either as a pass/fail test or as a permanent record of the presence of dust. Supplied in a carry case for use in the field to assess surface cleanliness.
Elcometer 145 Dust Tape Roller:
The Elcometer 145 Dust Tape Roller is used in conjunction with the Elcometer 142 Dust Tape Test kit to assess the quantity and size of dust particles on surfaces prepared for painting.
The Dust Tape Roller presses the Elcometer 142 Dust Tape to the surface using a controlled constant force as required by BS EN ISO 8502-3 (BS 7079-B3:1993)

How to Measure Soluble Salts using the Elcometer 130 Soluble Salt Profiler