High & Ultra High Pressure Technology - HAMMELMANN

Highlights - High Pressure Water Blasting

Hammelmann - A name to reckon with the field of High and Ultra pressure pumps and accessories for various applications.
The systems are available in either containerized, skid mounted or trolley mounted. Aquajet Ultra High Pressure Water blasting Pump units comes with both diesel and electrical options and gives a pressure of upto 3000 bar ( 40000 PSI) and water flow rate upto of 50 l/min.

Details - Water Blasting Dubai

Roughening and preparation works on concrete and stone surfaces Stripping and derusting ballast tanks, cargo holds, and double bottoms. Cleaning and stripping super-structures, decks, companion ways, winches and anchor chains. Structural and machine maintenance Removal of coatings from walls and floors Exposing reinforcing bars
Removing burnt printer on newly built or repaired ship sections, weld preparation.
Hull surface preparation to NACE/SSP standard "WJl/SC2"